Your Device (Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Smart Phone) Poor Your Device (Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Smart Phone) Poor
Good Your Device (Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Smart Phone) Good
Very Good Your Device (Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Smart Phone) Very Good
Your Internet Connection Poor Your Internet Connection Poor
Good Your Internet Connection Good
Very Good Your Internet Connection Very Good
Your Study Environment (Quiet Space, Desk, Chair) Poor Your Study Environment (Quiet Space, Desk, Chair) Poor
Good Your Study Environment (Quiet Space, Desk, Chair) Good
Very Good Your Study Environment (Quiet Space, Desk, Chair) Very Good
Your Moodle Ability Poor Your Moodle Ability Poor
Good Your Moodle Ability Good
Very Good Your Moodle Ability Very Good
Your Zoom Ability (Video Conferencing System) Poor Your Zoom Ability (Video Conferencing System) Poor
Good Your Zoom Ability (Video Conferencing System) Good
Very Good Your Zoom Ability (Video Conferencing System) Very Good
Your Comfort With Online Study Poor Your Comfort With Online Study Poor
Good Your Comfort With Online Study Good
Very Good Your Comfort With Online Study Very Good